Harry and me? Harry who? Some would be forgiven for asking. Not Harry Chapin, Prince Harry, Harry Styles or Harry Houdini – Harry Nilsson, that’s who, the American singer-songwriter who had massive hits in the late ’60’s and early ’70’s with Everybody’s Talkin’ and Without You. He was also pals with the four individual Beatles, collaborating with them all.
HARRY AND ME – the title of my newest book due to be published by This Day In Music Books Autumn 2021, co-authored with my writer-buddy David Roberts. Having edited the Guinness Book of Hit Singles and written books about Stephen Stills and Paul Rodgers, as well as authoring geographical music anthologies Rock Atlas and Rock Atlas USA, David sure does know a thing or two about this sort of thing.
HARRY AND ME is a collection of stories by Nilsson’s fans and people who knew him, going some way to explaining why this unique musician who never toured or gave concert performances managed to elicit such intrigue and adoration from his fans, friends and collaborators.
Please get in touch about your own ‘HARRY AND ME’ stories, thoughts or experiences that you’d like to share. Please email me here. You can either jot them down straight away, or just say an initial ‘hi’ and I’ll get straight back to you. Or if you prefer, ask me to call you for a brief, informal and friendly chat – you won’t need to write a thing – I’ll do all the work!
As a fellow aficionado, here are some examples of the type of thing I’m keen to learn…
When did you first ‘get’ Harry, and why?
What are your favourite Harry song(s) and/or album(s), and why?
Your lesser favourites, and why?
Did you ever meet Harry, or do you have any recollections of him?
For you personally, why is Harry so special?
I am a Harry Nilsson fan, through and through. The fact that you’re reading this indicates that probably you are too. Or at the very least you have a keen interest in Harry and his music.
I have several personal Harry And Me stories of my own that I’m happy to share. I’ve posted one of them below – please just click the ‘+’ button to read more…